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Thomas Cook and tourism

200 years ago Thomas Cook was born. The British founded the travel company of the same name and is the inventor of the package. How was this first trip, and what became of Thomas Cook will receive here.
For us today, travel is a pleasure. And if you're traveling for pleasure, but at least it is so difficult and dangerous as in the last days. Of predators remains one generally safe. But that was not always so. The modern travel as we know it was invented over 150 years, and the pleasure at that time was not necessarily the purpose of the trip.
Thomas Cook was the November 22, 1808 in Melbourne, England, was born in humble circumstances. His parents were Baptist and was raised strictly in that sense. More information about Baptists experienced by following the link at the bottom of the article.
He was also a member of the temperance movement or moderation. This attempt to restrict alcohol consumption. In particular addiction to alcohol use among workers at the time was a big problem. Among the drinkers was suffered, but also their surroundings, especially women and children. Often there was no domestic violence.Cook broke his education from the age of ten years. He earned his living first as a cabinetmaker and occasional writings published dealing Abstinenzlertum Baptist. At 20 he was a Baptist lay preacher.

Walking brings ideas
A little over thirty years of age, took a short walk from Leicester to Loughborough. This gave him the idea of using the rail, then again to spread the idea of alcohol surrendered.
That happened on July 5, 1841 organized the first package tour. Abstainers was 570 for the special price of one shilling in the third degree, without a seat in open vehicles, but there was a cup of tea and a ham sandwich. Cook was part of the tour price.

Travel God
But the money he earned was not the intention of Cook. He wanted to "connect people to people and people with God." And he wanted all. In the years after 1841, he organized trips for temperance and Sunday school. This was followed by trips to Liverpool, Scotland and in the Great Exhibition in London.
Meanwhile, brought thousands of tourists. Then came the first trips abroad. The first led to the Paris Universal Exhibition. Finally, Cook organized the trip to Switzerland, Italy, Egypt and the United States. Finally, he and a partner in London's famous Fleet Street travel agency.

Cook Legacy
Cook invented the hotel voucher. The passenger was selling a coupon book and a list of hotels. He was now able to exchange the coupons in the booklet for a hot meal or a night in one of the hotels listed. Also launched today as a "traveler's check" option known international money back to Thomas Cook.
Even a world tour that offers Thomas Cook in 1872. The journey lasted 222 days and took a steamboat across the Atlantic on a stagecoach across America, a paddle steamer to Japan, and the land through India and China.
Cook also asked for the assistance of unusual travel needs. Organized an Indian prince, the possibility of 33 tigers in the company to make a trip to Europe. A man supported his wife both run. As a travel request had stated that: A mild climate and plenty of fruits, not too expensive.
The company grew and grew and opened travel agencies worldwide. 1879 Thomas Cook left the company and left the company to his son and grandchildren. Until 1928, the business remained in family ownership. Company experienced difficult times and is now 51 percent of the German Karstadt.

2 Comment:

Shaon Bhuiyan mengatakan...

Thanks a lot for letting us know the real history of today from the past. Especially for Thomas Cook. I love his journey.

Thanks again

Yudistira mengatakan...

yes with pleasure...I love his journey to
Thanks for your comment and hopefully help..

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