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First time that satellite of Uranus discovered, Titania and Oberon (1787)

Titania and Oberon satellite of the 7th planet in our solar system "Uranus" was first discovered by "William Herschel" on 11 January 1787. Oberon is the outermost moon of Uranus satellite systems, and is the second largest of the 22 satellites that surround them.
Some interesting parts of "Oberon" who managed to be seen intact surface by satellite VOYAGER II in 1986 is the existence of dark crater on its surface, scientists are more often referred to it as "Mysterious Dark Creates".
One of which is still in question and the object of study the researchers of this space, is about the objects and the origin of the dark crater found on the surface of the satellite. Some of the answers of the researchers mentioned that the object is possible a pile of dirty substances, but the answer is still uncertain and still needs further research.
Some data about the Oberon that have been collected and published by researchers outside space is as follows:

Diameter of                            1523 km
Distance from Uranus             382 600 km  
Rotation Period                      13.46 days
Orbit Period                           13.46 days  

Orbit eccentricity                    0.0008  
Orbital Inclination                   0.1 degrees 
Magnitude Moot                   13.94  
Gravitational field                   0  
No Atmosphere

Titania is the largest moon of the planet Uranus and was ranked 14th on the system "Uranus". Although Titania is the largest satellite of Uranus system, but the size is still smaller than the "Triton" is one of its twin planet Uranus satellite is "Neptune".
Titania based on the results of several studies, the surface is believed to consist of ice and rock, which almost looks like one of Saturn's moon "Rhea". Because of that some researchers call "dirty ice balls." In addition surface "Titania" is composed of many craters are surrounded by brightly colored substances. based on the topography of the crater, some craters still looks very young or in other words just finished undergoing a process of formation, researchers speculate that the formation process has occurred in some previous period as a result of geological activity on its surface. the researchers indicated that the inside of that month "Titania" experience than the first cooling surface.


Diameter of                       1578 km
Distance from Uranus
        435 840 km
Rotation period
                 8.71 day
Orbital period                   8.71 days.
Orbit eccentricity              0.0022
Orbital Inclination             0.14 °
Apparent magnitude         13.73
Gravity field                     0
No Atmosphere

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