Karl is the April 2 747 as the eldest son of the late King Pippin the Younger and his wife Bertrada birth. However, there are sources that indicate that the 742 or 748 as the year of birth. The birthplace is not recorded, also for children and young Charles no sources. Karl was great not only figuratively. He measures 1.92 meters by the time an impressive size.
754 Charles was anointed with his father and his younger brother Carloman of Pope Stephen II as king. 24.9.768 When King Pepin the age of 54 years died in Paris, the Empire was divided between the two brothers: Charles reigned in the north, Karl Mannheim, in the south.
Estranged brothers
The two princes are not tolerated, the differences were less political, but personal. Karl was in 769, against rebellious Aquitaine. When his brother was denied his loyalty, defeated the rebels alone and also claimed that part of the country that should have been granted to his brother. When 771 the situation had worsened so that even threatened a war between the warring brothers, Carloman died suddenly of a serious illness shortly. Thus, the autocrat Karl, a journey that culminated 29 years later, the first Western Empire after the fall of Western Roman Empire.
Empire in ruins
After the end of Rome had fallen to the west of the kingdom. Carlos when in Rome, 20 thousand people living in the ruins. Constantinople, which were regarded as the successors of Rome, had several hundred thousand inhabitants. Colony had 10,000 inhabitants, however, Baghdad will be in that time has been a city of millions (in comparison).
Charles reigned over an empire that stretched on the ground. For the interior restoration of the kingdom took Karl's Church, the church as necessary to protect their interests.
At the request of Pope Charlemagne conquered in the years 773 and 774 the Lombards. Soon, he ruled most of Italy except the Byzantine territories in the south. The longest lasted for the subjugation and Christianization of the Saxons (772-804). In Spain it was against the Arabs, but had to withdraw with heavy losses of his army. 778 through the organization of the hitherto largely independent of Bavaria in his empire.
The new world order
In 800 Charles was the only one with enough power to support the Papacy, and convinced Christian was willing a. By contrast, Karl himself relied heavily on the church and used the newly acquired territories to submit. He forgave the bishoprics, at its discretion and synods held as necessary. The secular and spiritual power was transferred at the beginning of the ninth century closer together: the two control centers in the Middle Ages, the Papacy and the Empire.
Pope asks for protection and assistance to the king of the Franks, not the Eastern Roman Emperor. In the year 797 had an effect on the breakdown of Charles Synods of the Eastern and Western Church. With his coronation was demand, not only over his people, but around the world to rule and asked the Byzantine law first. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Byzantium felt like a seamless continuation and successor of the Roman Empire. It took twelve years to Byzantium in the Treaty of Aix-Charles dignity recognized. In return, the Franks were in Venice and Dalmatia of Ostrom.
The Holy Roman Empire of the German nation
Charles died after the reign of 47 years to 28.1. 814 in Aachen. The same day it was built Aachener Pfalz buried. At his death, his empire stretched from the North Sea to the region of Abruzzo, from the Elbe to the Ebro, from Lake Balaton to Britain.
The life and work of Charles the Great, created after his death, many legends, including Carlos cycle with the Song of Roland. Over time, people called the Holy Roman kingdom, and later even sacred Roman Empire of the German nation.
Only in August 1806, initiated the second Confederation (Confederation of the Rhine "), the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation.
The life and work of Charles the Great, created after his death, many legends, including Carlos cycle with the Song of Roland. Over time, people called the Holy Roman kingdom, and later even sacred Roman Empire of the German nation.
Only in August 1806, initiated the second Confederation (Confederation of the Rhine "), the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation.
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