Austria and the EU members and institutions of the member countries are Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Spain and Portugal. The tasks and competences of the EU are perceived by common institutions. The supreme body of the Council of Ministers (Council of Europe. Union), composed of representatives (ministers) of the governments of Mgl.states. As an executive, headed by a sitting president, the European Commission, the MPC (since 1995), 20.
there, who are appointed by the governments of Mgl.states by mutual agreement for four years, Germany, France, Britain, Spain and Italy will each appoint two Mgl., the other member states. These include EU Commissioners responsible for a specific area of ??responsibility
Transport, environment, finance, agriculture). The European Parliament is directly elected and has responsibility for legislation, oversight and budget approval. The European Court and the judicial branches of the EU is responsible for safeguarding and respecting the law, the interpretation and application of Community law. Moreover, the Court of Auditors, the European Council and consist number. advisory committees. Origin and Objectives of the Foreign Min.
Mgl.states the Single European Act, signed in 1986 sets out the objectives on the basis of a resolution that points to the customs union, common market, the creation of a more developed European and European Political Cooperation achieving monetary system Union's policy. Late 1991, agreed by the Heads of State and Government of the Mgl.states a phased plan for implementation of the Europe. Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) 7
2. Then in 1992 the Maastricht Treaty (Treaty of Europ. Union) was signed. 3 steps, inter alia, Europe.
monetary system expanded and foreign, security, legal policy, social and economic set to another. After knowing the policies of certain financial and economic. Convergence criteria for Mgl.staaten predates 1.1. 1997 Europ.
Central Bank was established at the end of the plan step is the introduction of a common Europe. Currency prior to 1.1. Additional 1999th. Dimension, the benefits of the EU through cooperation with the EFTA (European Economic Area Introduction 1
1. 1993) and the relationship remains open to Eastern Europe. States. History of European integration in the course of the Europ. Unification movement since the end of World War 2, 1952, Europe.
Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) from Belgium, West Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands was founded. 1957 with the Treaty of Rome, Europ. European Economic Community (EEC) and the Europ. Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) established, the EEC will be the creation of a common agricultural market, while the EURATOM Friedl.
should encourage the use of nuclear energy. In 1967, the institutions of the three communities merged, so that were created for the three (de jure if any) Communities of joint institutions. With recovery, elimination of internal tariffs and establishment of a common external tariff, the basis of a customs union was 1.1. 1973 1970th place, the initial.
Six of the Community to include Denmark, Great Britain and Ireland extended in 1981, Greece, Spain and Portugal joined in 1986, Austria, Finland and Sweden in 1995 Mgl.states. Austria and European integration, the relationship of Austria to the EU was given by the PSM is critical. However, the question of the EU is not only an economic and political connections has decreased significantly. After World War II, Austria was incorporated in the Marshall Plan. For a Western world was given political orientation.
Membership of the Council of Europe € (1956) enabled a rapid entry of medium learning time neutral government to European cooperation. The neutrality precludes the possibility of joining the EEC was founded in 1957, as this long-sought political similarities. Thus, Austria, along with seven other countries signed the Treaties establishing the EFTA (1960). However, Austria tried before coming to the EU. These efforts are at a peak in the conclusion of a Free Trade Agreement in 1972, which foresees a reduction of customs duties and other import restrictions. Negotiations between Austria and the EU on trade facilitation were already taken in the sixties, but not, at least not by a veto of Italy (1962) due to the tense situation in South Tyrol.
se (. Austria should be subjected to pressure) to ensure that certain parallels with 1991 - from the road for many years, said a report: "Austria is becoming vulnerable to blackmail at the time of negotiations of any EU country "is finished as the Free Trade Agreement. , Austria became clear the EU power to feel. In the last minute pass to the communities, 20% of industrial products from tariff elimination to exclude. Of course, just as Austria's most successful industrial export products (alloys, stainless steel) were affected - Influential EU companies had implemented their interests and keep out unwanted competition. Through its Foreign Trade Austria and greater participation in the EU than many countries in the EU
However, the question of membership was due to neutral again a taboo and a half decades. Only in 1987 - a year after the publication of White Paper on completing the EU internal market "- the Association of Austria Industriel1er known as the first full EU accession. After years of debate on all EU members, the Austrian government a concrete step: Foreign Minister, Alois Mock, submitted on July 17, 1989 in Brussels the French Council President Roland Dumas, the request of Austria accession to the EU. In the short text in the hands of the membership application (reference to Article 237 of the Treaty) is a condition for membership is asked to: Austria wants to continue with the status of permanent neutrality.
Austria presented simultaneously in the "Memorandum of Brussels, " the government lntegration politik. Among other things he says to stay in an EU membership is a loyal and active member of EFTA and to find solutions as quickly as possible sectarian Orelle between the Community and the EFTA States. On July 20, 1989 instructed the Permanent Representatives of the twelve EU Member States to prepare a written opinion. This Avis (report) Published July 31 1991 in Brussels and was "largely positive", but has the issue of neutrality, the Alps and transit points of restrictions on the importation of Austria in agriculture.
Most of the EC commissioners Austrian 1991/1992 was a candidate favorably. The accession negotiations from the date of the application goes to the signing of the accession of five years. During this period, European integration has been very well together with the fall of the Soviet bloc, the dominant issue in politics and business. The negotiations were conducted and completed in record time. On the Austrian side, ministers, ambassadors and experts were negotiating with the EU authorities. A real marathon of negotiations ended on 1.
March 1994. France stopped opposing the Treaty of Transit (fear of a greater volume of traffic in their own country.) After 70 hours of intense talks could end at the end of the negotiations said. The Austrian government team negotiating five members (four ministers and a secretary of state), three provincial governors and 60 other employees in various sectors. Former positive expectations were disappointed several times, hard positions of the EU negotiators were even the breakdown of talks to fear. EU winners and losers, a quarter of domestic companies - particularly those in areas of monopolies, market regulations, subsidies, etc.
"protected"are - the accession to the EU must make fundamental adjustments to remain competitive. Nationalized industry still has a significant share of exports, they were reading has more of the basic industries and turn the "smart " products. The degree of internationalization is significantly increased because foreign companies are still relatively poorly represented Austria. After EU accession, foreign capital, foreign increasingly incorporated in Austria, with the establishment of additional subsidiaries of foreign companies is expected. Major public procurement must be advertised and no longer happen automatically for domestic firms. Experts from Austria, are growing opportunities in the EU countries.
There was a certain magnetic effect, of course, earlier in border areas of the EC. In general, remains to be seen what the mobility-tion will be held the Austrians. The EU hopes that the industry is mainly aimed at the elimination of differences in technical regulations and standardization of the rules> on the mutual recognition of test certificates and full participation in European research programs. The outlook for the EU is the desire for peace and cooperation between sovereign states of Europe. But the long-term one - built by the federal government - European State, as the original proponents of economic cooperation in Europe, the objective has been largely discarded. Probably the number of member countries increase at the end of the decade.
Turkey (Türkiye) had applied for membership in 1987, Cyprus (Cyprus) and Malta in 1990 and Switzerland and Norway (Norge) 1992. It is also expected that several Eastern European countries wish to join. Switzerland has subsequently withdrawn its request not to agree with their status of neutrality in conflicts. Other potential candidates for EU membership to include Iceland and Liechtenstein. Switzerland and Norway, who are also members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). 1991, the EC and the EFTA agreement on the establishment of a European Economic Area, which should include a single market for goods, services and capital.
Within this space, the EU and EFTA would be reciprocal in every major trading partners. The European Economic Area, 1 entered into force in January 1994, abolished trade barriers among trading partners, the EU and EFTA. The EU summit in June 1997 approved the "Treaty of Amsterdam, which amended the Treaty of Maastricht. Under pressure from the German delegation to the Amsterdam Treaty provides for a majority decision on asylum. Following the contract, the employment policy is not just a matter of national policy, but now an EU competence.
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