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The Emperor Hadrian

Before 1930 years ago, on January 24, 1976, was born in the late Roman emperor Hadrian. He ruled the Roman Empire from 117 until his death, 138 to improve the integration of the kingdom to the outside and renewed the legislation and administration in the interior. He had no more than a war, but this was particularly cruel.

Adriano - the rightful heir to the throne?
He spent his childhood in Spain and came to Rome as a teenager. He was very interested in art and Greek culture and philosophy of language that most influenced him. When Adriana was ten, his father died. Emperor Trajan, Hadrian was a tutor.

In the race for military and political power of Adriano.
In 117, Emperor Hadrian, his predecessor, Emperor Trajan yet approved in the deathbed. This process is controversial. Trajan was probably already dead and his wife Plotina signed the bill making on their behalf. It had been kept secret for this reason, the death of her husband a couple of days.

During Trajan the Roman Empire had spread through many wars to its maximum size, the emperor Hadrian is said to protect the borders of the empire and to stabilize the unit. His reign was characterized largely by peace and prosperity.

In the 21 years of his mandate, Adriano was 13 years, while outside Italy. He often visited his troops scattered throughout the empire for his fighting spirit, even in times of peace to keep. It fortified the border wall in Germania Limes and had a similar embankment on the northern border of the Roman Empire in Britain to create, Hadrian's Wall.

Hadrian's Wall
Near the border between England and Scotland, Hadrian's Wall stretched over 120 miles of Bay Solway Firth, on the west coast to the mouth of the River Tyne in the east. The wall was four to five meters high and was punctuated by 80 gates, were allowed to travel through the dealer, provided they paid taxes. Monitoring the location of the boundary by numerous towers. In 14 Army camps along the wall survived the soldiers to protect the border against intruders. You can still visit the main parts of Hadrian's Wall. Since 1987, the Wall is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Adriano as a client
Adriano is active not only in the Roman provinces, but in Italy as a client. Famous is the huge garden of his villa at Tivoli, where reconstruction of landscapes from various parts of the Roman Empire, which had met on his travels. As a monument to Hadrian had erected a mausoleum in Rome, which today bears the name of Castel Sant'Angelo.

Adriano and the Jews
Although a peace-loving Emperor Hadrian was actually led a very cruel war against the Jews. It all started at first seems positive. Adriano promised to build the great temple in Jerusalem was destroyed from the year 70, again. In reality, this project would have pleased the Jews. But it soon turned out not to be built the new sanctuary of his God, but in honor of Jupiter.

In addition, Hadrian banned circumcision of Jewish children and denied Jews the religious act, which is the main characteristic of belonging to Judaism.

That did not take the Jews and raised in the year 132 under the leadership of Bar Kochba against Roman occupation. Many people died on both sides. Initially defeated Bar Kochba and the Romans conquered Jerusalem. 135 However, the Romans fought and died in the battle for at least half a million Jews.

The Romans did eventually recover all of Judea. It barred the Jews from the city of Jerusalem, prohibited the Torah (Jewish holy book), and the name of the country in "Syria Palestina " erase the memory of the Jewish state. From then until 1948, Jews had no land of their own now.

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