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Tehran 52 Exempts U.S. hostages after 444 days (1981)

52 American hostages who were detained at the U.S. embassy in Tehran for more than 14 months have arrived in West Germany on the way back to the United States.
The former diplomats and embassy staff stepped from the plane to the runway at the airport Wiesbaden looked tired and happy after 4000 miles after their flight arrived from Iran.
Iran finally agreed to release the hostages after the United States said it would release assets frozen in American bank and other Banks, including Bank of England.
 hostages action were initiated in November 1979, ie, when a group of radical Iranian students stormed the American embassy in Tehran. the students are angry about U.S. support for the Shah, who fled into exile in January 1979 and arrived in America in October for the treatment of cancer. they then claim back the Shah to stand trial for alleged crimes in office.
They received support from the Iranian government, led by Ayatollah Khomeini. But their demands for the extradition of the shah was thwarted when he escaped to cairo. but then the students refused to release their hostage, until President Carter was defeated in elections in the U.S.. This paved the way negotiations with Algeria as an intermediary.

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