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Masons are one of the ideals of the Enlightenment (humanity, tolerance, fraternity) in the 18 century closed male society founded. His goal is individual spiritual perfection, regardless of religious, ethnic and individual politicians. The Masons are based on the traditions of the medieval guilds of masons. They were also influenced by the esoteric branches of Christianity oriented (Templars, Rosicrucians).

The traditional Catholic Church is outside the critical distance to the Masons, because they reject the very liberal view of religion. The Masons are organized as a club of regional networking boxes, which meet weekly for a session of closed. There discussed philosophical, social and historical reflection. Religion and politics are taboo, and spiritual perfection to a higher denomination and obtained a medium-partisan. No wonder that many were "free spirits"and the thinkers of the last century masons. Here are some examples: Kemal Ataturk, Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich the Great, Benjamin Franklin, J.

W. Goethe, Haydn, Lessing, Mozart and George Washington. Due to the composition to influential figures in the Masons were suspected in the course of the story again and again as a dangerous secret society with the objective of the conspiracy. Christian conservatives and reactionary circles associated "Jewish interests" with the Freemasons, which intensified during the Third Reich in an open public agitation against him. By contrast, esoterically oriented parties face a confusing world view as a subsidiary organization of the mysterious "Illuminati, " which also strive for world domination. According to own statements, the concern of the Masons, however, only the idea of tolerance and humanity in a brotherly way to go to the person. Members do not pursue a common economic and political interests, in particular, which contradicts the image of himself plural

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