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Friedrich Engels

Friedrich Engels, political philosopher, Barmen (now Wuppertal) 28.11. 1820, London 5.8. 1895, Kaufmann, co-founder of Marxism, the closest friend and collaborator of Karl Marx, who worked on the theory of scientific socialism and joined the labor movement.

His philosophical thinking began in the arguments of the Young Hegelians and under the influence of Ludwig Feuerbach. As a merchant in England, studied the social situation of the proletariat ("The position of the working class in England, 1845) and laid the foundation for Marxist analysis of capitalism. Leading the"pact "of the Communists, says Engels 1847" Principles Communism ", the precursor of 1848 written with Marx, Manifesto of the Communist Party. His main contributions to the philosophical and economic ideas of Marxism are (apart from early work)," The Dialectics of Nature (1935, originated from 1873 to 1883) "Herr Eugen Duhring's Revolution in Science " ("Anti-Duhring", 1878), "The development of socialism from utopia to science" (1882), "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State " (1884). After the death of K.

Marx (1883) extended the scientific work of Engels, in addition to the completion and publication of the second (1885) and 3 "(1894) volume of Capital. Engels, 1870, Secretary General of the International Association and has participated in this influence the role in the organization and development of the socialist movement.

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